Renewed brand, renewed website

We at FINSKI have long planned our website renewal and now we are happy to announce to you that the work is almost complete. If you ever used our old website you might have noticed that it wasn’t very suitable for mobile devices - that has now been fixed for good with the current web platform as they will provide us a functional system also in the future.

A short while ago we also made some changes to our brand and decided to go with the new bold color scheme. We wanted to keep our old trusted icebear logo with slight changes. The renewed logo now present the finnish nickname of Finlandia-hiihto which is also the name of our mascot - FINSKI.

In addition we are also introducing a new registration system. The registration site now works on it’s own platform at

We are still working on slight changes, additions and corrections on our website. Meanwhile if you spot an error please report them to - at the moment we are clearing our security sertificate and your web browser might warn you that the site is not secure. This will be fixed when the certificate is approved and it might take some time. Meanwhile the registration site mentioned earlier is already secured.

More exciting news will be released shortly …


Special anniversary events