Finlandia Ski Marathon route change causes schedule adjustments
On Saturday and Sunday, the first starts for the longest distance of Finlandia Ski Marathon, the 62-km classic and free, will take place as early as 8:00 in the morning. The first start will include the Elite and Jahti (chasing) groups and Group 1. As usual, the largest number of participants will be on the longest distance. Due to the start time changes, the finish closes at 18:00 on both days.
Start times and groups, Saturday
08:00 62 km, Elite and Jahti (chasing) groups and Group 1
10:00 62 km, Group 2
10:10 62 km, Group 3
10:20 62 km, Group 4
10:40 32 km and 20 km all groups
The finish closes at 18:00.
Start times and groups, Sunday
08:00 62 km, Elite and Jahti (chasing) groups and Group 1
10:00 62 km, group 2
10:10 62 km, group 3
10:30 32 km and 20 km all groups
The finish closes at 18:00.
The timetables have been revised to take into account the estimated second loop of the fastest skiers on the longest distance. In addition, the start interval for the last 62 km groups and the 32 km and 20 km starters has been extended to 20 minutes.
The timetables can be found on the website and in the skiers instructions
By the end of Tuesday over 3300 participants has registered to Finlandia Ski Marathon event.