Finlandia-hiihto 2024 gets great reviews - service stations rated excellent
Finlandia-hiihto was held for the 51st time at the end of February in Lahti and Hollola, in the challenging terrain of Salpausselkä. The moist weather did not make it easy for the nearly 4000 skiers who took part, but the excellent atmosphere and the service provided by the service stations raised the participants' ratings of the event to excellent.
The comebackrate was 9.2. Women's ratings and aims to ski the route again were as high as 9.3, according to an event survey conducted in cooperation with the City of Lahti and the tourism organisation Visit Lahti.
"We are very pleased with these results. In recent years we have developed the event especially from a perspective of service path, while keeping the core issues such as tracks and route maintenance in mind."
Finlandia-hiihto is largely done by volunteers and with a big heart. This sense of community and service is particularly evident at the service stations along the route. The service provided by the service stations is provided by various communities, whose activities were also widely praised in the open feedback. Small suggestions for improvement were also actively put forward, such as optional "fast" service line for faster skiers and various nourishment requests.
As the Host City, respondets ranked Lahti with a score of 8.35. The respondents, from which a large proportion participated Finlandia-hiihto, were particularly interested in the training and sporting opportunities in the Lahti region (70%). The conditions and the durability of the base (of the tracks) were the main points raised in the preliminary discussions. However the base remained in excellent condition even after the weather did get really rough towards the end of the day.
Satisfaction with the event was 8.7. This rating was also supported by the open feedback which praised, among other things, the new elements of the event such as the livestream. There was a general wish to not increase the participation fees; however, the value for money is perceived to be good with a wide range of services and a very high level of customer experience. The willingness to recommend (NPS*) of 6.8 (on a scale of -10 to 10) also reflects a positive attitude towards the event.
”Hard to beat! Next to Jukola, major orienteering event, one of the best organised events in Finland.”
The survey was produced with Salmi Platform Eventlizer. 92% of the survey respondants were domestic and 8% international. In Finlandia-hiihto event, which is part of the Worldloppet series, 13% of the participants were international participants attending from 27 different countries with the largest nationality groups being from Estonia, the USA, Germany and Italy.
*Net Promoter Score refers to the recommendation index, i.e. how likely customers are to recommend a company, product or service to their friends or colleagues.