Finlandia-hiihto 2023 Saturday classic style race

After three exceptional years, the 50th anniversary of Finlandia-hiihto was celebrated on a route renewed last year. The route runs through the terrains of Lahti and Hollola. This year, however, the route had to be shortened from the intended 62 km route to 58 km when the fields of Savistenpää were left out. On Saturday, the journey was completed in classic style. On Sunday, freestyle skiers take over the slopes. This year, more than 4,500 skiers have registered for Finlandia-hiihto. The competition distances are 58 km, 32 km, and 20 km.

The fastest man in the 58 km race was Veli-Matti Räsänen (Team Kaskipuu), with a time of 2.56.17. “It went better than I expected. Skiing felt strong today” winner wrapped up the race. Räsänen left behind, only with view seconds apart, silver medalist Niko Koskela (Lakiaforest) 2.56.18 and third place Aleksi Parttimaa (SkiTeam 105) 2.56.19. 

The women's winner was Terhi Pollari (Ski Jyväskylä), with a time of 3.03.24. “Today's race was good. I couldn't expect this, because there were so many good skiers. Good feeling from the win”, the winner says. Over four minutes behind was Anni Kainulainen, 3.07.47. Noora Kivikko (Team Edux) took third place with a time of  3.10.15.

The winner of the 32 Km race was Tobias Akerlund, with a time of 1.42.08. “Condition was good as expected. It went quite well after all,” commented the winner. Second crossing the finish line was Jussi Harju (Tampereen Pyrintö), 1.47.59. Juuso Hakala on third place, 1.58.31. Marja-Terttu Repo renewed last year's win with the time of 1.50.54. “It was good practice. That's what I came for. I'm aiming for 30km next spring; that's my goal”, the winner commented. Silver medalist was Milka Reponen (Paimion Urheilijat) 2.06.22. In third place  Elli-Noora Koskela, 2.09.08. 

The men's 20 km winner is Kalle Liukkonen, with a time of 1.07.29. “It felt good; the start was nice. In the beginning, it felt worse. After all, I had fun”, the winner commented after the race. Juho Westerlund, 1.14.49, won second place. Third place, Santtu Sainio, 1.29.31. The women's winner was Rebecca Immonen, 1.09.40. “It went well even though there were only a few women racing. I raced well among the men”. Franziska Öttl (SV Chiemgau GER) 1.39.56, won second place. Third is Heini Kaappola, 1.43.49. 


Finlandia-hiihto freestyle competitions were skied on Sunday in fine, sunny, frosty weather


The long distance of Finlandia-hiihto this year is 58 km